Chassis Type: 2002 TrackMagic Dragon Single Speed Adult chassis- 30mm
Engine: Yamaha KT100 3 hole can
Bodywork: KG Racing black plastics (Unico style) with Trackmagic graphics.
Axle Size: 40mm axle.
Brakes: Trackmagic Factory Brembo Brake System.
Wheels: Comes with aluminum wheels- Douglas front and KG Rear.
Special Features: Inexpensive. We are not selling this kart as a competitive racing chassis. This kart is old and needs repair. The original Track Magic Company is long since out of business so chassis parts are unavailable from kart dealers. eBay, craigslist, other Track Magic Owners along with self fabrication will be the way to keep this kart functioning. The Yamaha KT100's are old school kart racing engines, but engine parts are still available. This kart has missing chassis seat struts. This is a good kart for someone looking for something inexpensive to use for fun only, not competitive racing. Thus its cheap!
Price as shown: $600.
*This kart comes as is with no warranty and no returns. All our 'fixer-upper' karts will fall into this category.
Shipping Cost
While we ship around the world, the low price of this kart would make the shipping half the value of the kart! So we are guessing this will be a local sale.
*We ship door to door (business or residence) worldwide!
Shipping (within the U.S.) to the East Coast please add $365.00 to the cost of the kart
Shipping to the West Coast-Please add $335.00 to the cost of the kart